Every now and then, when I hear about some major invention, two things happen: First, I refuse using it altogether - I don't need this, nobody will use it, and so on (pretty much a non-early adopter as possible). Second, I finally yield, and then I cannot stop wondering myself why to hell
that invention didn't come to
my mind earlier. After all, it's that
obvious that
exactly this is needed by millions!
I remember that was the case when Google became big 'all of a sudden' (which I initially rejected in favor of that vintage thing called
altavista.com), it was the same with Facebook (which I was very convinced I would never need), and it was the same with Twitter (which I'm still proud of not using!).
All of them build on a fairly simple technical foundation, yet their usage and impact was straight amazing. I promised myself not to let it happen again.
When I was in Prague for New Years Eve, I was surrounded by my friend's smartphones all the time. Over a sample size of 14 heads and shoulders, smartphone penetration reached about two thirds. And the applications, holy crap! For example, you can make a panorama picture of your friends, whose heads are then automatically detected and used as moving targets for shooting (well, you can argue about the usefulness of that). And of course, games like
Cut the Rope,
Angry Birds or my
colleagues' successful poker. Not to mention the actually useful applications. GPS sensor, camera, ... millions of possibilities.
And millions of users, too. Namely, over
200 million on iOS, and most likely by the time well over
200 million on Android, too. A few more impressive numbers from
- 15 billion apps downloaded from the App Store
- 200+ million users of iDevices worldwide
- $2.5 billion has been paid to developers
So there we go ... in total, some
400 million mobile users ... or should I rather say,
potential clients? As you might have anticipated by how surprised I am about the various possibilities and these amazing figures, I am totally new to the smartphone world. I am about adopting very late once again ... but I hope it will not be too late. The pot is simply too big and too tempting.
Ladies and Gentlemen, let me hereby announce that I claim my appropriate share of the mobile development cake!
As a starting point, I already purchased a tablet, an
Acer A500, for what a developer do I make without any equipment (ha, finally found some proper excuse for myself to buy a tablet!).
I am totally aware of the fact that the aforementioned claim is totally naive and without any serious thinking. It sounds like a child having big plans to become a music star or actor once she's grown up. Well, I don't care. I simply feel that
now is the right time to give it a shot, against all odds, so that's what I'll do.
I'm inclined to make some simple calculation:
400 million users. If, by any chance, I hit the jackpot and one of my apps turns out to be a super-super hit, and I reach only 0.1 % of the users, and if each of them only pays 1$ ... that's still some 400k!
Well, I already found it's not quite
that easy. Furthermore, from a technical point, I'm starting at essentially zero. I do have some knowledge in Java and programming in general, though, so I expect this to be the smallest problem (I decided to start with Android first. For Apple development the initial investment would have been an additional development machine).
major challenges I'm prepared for are as follows:
- Design, User Interface, Graphics ... I know that this is one of my weak points. Think I'll see how it goes, ask for advice here and there, and maybe look for a helping hand in case this turns out to be necessary
- PR, Marketing, and more specifically, buzz marketing. Literally, zero experience there. Contacts to magazines, blogs, online stores, Web 2.0 measures, psychology of the masses (animal spirits) and so on ... well, if I reach that point, I'll know I have reached a lot already, but then the real challenges begin.
- Though competition. Naturally, a huge pot attracts many others either. Roughly half a million apps on App Store speak a clear language.
- Ideas. I strongly feel that's the key point. There are several idea-provoking approaches, and I had a few ones already. For learning purposes, I decided to start with a simple currency converter. There are tons out there already, but as far as I could see up to know, none of them has that particular feature ... so stay tuned here if you're interested ;-)
- .. plus of course all the other unknown unknowns
So, TL;DR, why am I writing this at all? First, I wanted to let you all know about my new tablet ;-). Second, that's some form of PR either, right (even though I don't doubt any real PR guy couldn't stop shaking his head over what I'm writing here)?
Third and most of all, it is
self-commitment! Ever since I stumbled upon
Leo Babauta's 7 steps to turn your self improvement desires into reality (3. Commit thyself, big time), I found that it really helps me to stay focused onto something
once I told others about it, which is what I'm doing now.
And staying focused and committed I want ... in order to get at least a
tiny little piece of that tempting cake. If nothing else, I'm looking forward to facing all those challenges, and you are invited to join me on that journey.
P.S.: What do you miss most on your smartphone? In which regard do existing apps and games suck, where do you see some potential improvement? Got any other funny or useful idea? Just let me know!